StarWars: Eat Da Poo Poo

In 'honour' (or should I say 'dishonour') of Star Wars.


None of this is the work (or opinions of) Yours Truly or Sedgie Art, and is just simply of the work of the person who did this.... Hence, the person who did this overdubbed the voice of some pastor in Uganda who was outspoken against homosexuality and its supposed sexual practices (in this instance, coprophagia - or the eating of faeces, or turds), onto a particular segment of the Star Wars film shown in this video.  Then a snippet of a video depicting a pride parade is added, and the men on the float are dancing to the Village People.  The characters from Star Wars drop a bomb on the aforementioned parade (which occurs on Earth).

Though it can be considered a sexually perverse act and/or a form of sado-masochism, it is not exclusive to homosexual males or gay people.  Nor is it confined to people who have mental illnesses or developmental disabilities.  However, it is actually more common in species other than human beings, like flies or dogs.

The video is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to vilify gay people (particularly gay males).  I simply see the humour and cleverness in this video.

May the 'force' be with you.... Because...  Star Wars (which is May the Force be With You)!!!!

Disclaimer # 2 (Pardon the pun) 💩💩💩💩💩

The below graphic is not my stuff either but is one of the villains in Star Wars (Return of the Jedi).  It also reminded me of someone (who used to look like him) that I knew at school.  They were one of the most horrible (and horrible-looking) people I knew - also, they used to eat Nutella everyday (and it looked like poo as well) 💩💩💩
Jabba the Hutt (who looks like a lump of poo poo) 💩💩💩

Now, this *is* my stuff (shits and giggles) 💩😀😁😂😂😃😄😅😆

And this is my stuff too!!!! 💩💩💩🚽🚽🚽

It's my real 💩
