Book survey
Visual elements (cover)
These include text, graphics,
colours, tone (light and dark), style, layout, and background.
You can choose your answers
ranging from: zero = Not at all suitable; 1-2 = just a little; three =Neutral;
4-5 = very suitable.
How suitable do you find the following visual elements to this topic:
Graphics (e.g. Illustrations, or photographs)
Colours – hues (e.g. red, yellow, blue etc);
tones (light and dark);
Colour schemes (full colour, monochrome/black
and white, grey-scale);
The background of the compositions (e.g. light
or dark background, plain/patterned);
Text elements (font or typeface, spacing, size,
Layouts (one column, two columns, three or
Titles, subtitles, Headings, and subheadings
The cover (front and back covers, blurb, spine)
Just say you were looking for
information on peoples' fashion and dress sense, and you saw an advertisement for this book (online
or in print). You were asked what you
thought of it, what would be your opinions of this ad?
Please choose your answer: zero =
Not at all (or haven’t seen it); 1-2 = A little; three = Neutral (sometimes);
four = sometimes; five = a lot (very much so)
To what extent to you find the topic and advertisement:
Mentally or intellectually, stimulating?
How much information did you think was included on the topic (in the ad)?
1. Relevance of information to the topic at hand:
Zero = not at all; to 5 = very relevant;
2. Depth and scope of information (how much have I
included): Zero = no in-depth information to 5 = a lot of in-depth information
3. How much information can you glean from this advertisement:
Zero = none at all; 1-2 = a little; three = just enough; 4 = a lot; 5 = too
What are your thoughts on this topic?
The next few questions are about
your thoughts on the idea of this text being a publication e.g. printed, online
For this question: the answers range from: 0 = not at all; to 5 = very much so.
How much in favour are you towards seeing this as a:
1. Printed publication (Book, booklet, as an
article in a magazine or newspaper)?
2. As an online publication e.g. on a website or
blog or as an e-book?
3. As an audio book (cassette or CD), mp3 download
or podcast?
4. As a video – online (YouTube, Vimeo), mpeg4
download or vodcast, on TV, or on DVD/Blue-ray?
For these questions, the answers range from: 0 = highly unlikely; 1-2 = slightly unlikely; 3 = neither likely nor unlikely; 4 = fairly likely; 5 = highly likely.
How likely are you to read this publication?
1. Printed publication (Book, booklet, as an
article in a magazine or newspaper)?
2. As an online publication e.g. on a website or
blog or as in e-book?
3. As an audio book (cassette or CD), mp3 download
or podcast?
4. As a video – online (YouTube, Vimeo), mpeg4
download or vodcast, on TV, or DVD/Blue-ray?
How likely are you to subscribe to this publication?
In Print?
Online (through social media)?
Through an email newsletter?
How likely are you to purchase or financially support this publication?
1. Directly – in a retail store, the markets, a
charity store (like St Vincent’s de Paul)?
2. Online or direct mail order – through Reader’s
Digest, Amazon, Shopify, Blurb, Red Bubble, or Café Press?
3. Via a paid subscription service e.g. Patreon?
4. Via a once-off donation through PayPal?
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