The meaning of 666

The meaning of 666

According to this video:

Here is what it says according to Lion's Ground:

According to Biblical writings the number 666 refers to the ‘mark of the beast, or the coming of the Antichrist. The Illuminists the Antichrist would like to place on a high dominance to dominate the world. The number 666 is used to bring to execute this plan.
Barcodes and logos to hand signals; according to the conspiracy theorists you get the “number of the beast ‘everywhere. For example, the numbers of bar codes are often divided into two groups and separated from one another by vertical lines, in three positions, further go down. This could be a reference to the number 666.
When it comes to logos, they like to use that of Walt Disney. If you draw a line through the curls, you would be able to see three times the number 6.
The real fanatics claim that are included in the logos in Adobe Acrobat Reader and Google Chrome signals. Virtually all major companies in their part of the comprehensive project of the Illuminati
I don't how true this is, but alot of companies depict the 'mark of the beast' in their logos, even in ones where you don't expect to find it.  Here are three more obvious examples.

The below graphics quite literally depict some cuts of meat (chuck steak) packaged as the 'Devil's' number. ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ

 Also, snails are evil, apparently - because their shells are in the shape of the number six.
