Happy Halloween everybody!!!

Watched this documentary on YouTube for Hallowe'en on Bohemian Grove: This was some documentary made by Alex Jones, who paid a visit to Bohemian Grove - a place where, each year, many business leaders and politicians gather and take part in a whole lot of 'Satanic' rituals, including the big one, named the Cremation of Care.

Unfortunately, for the viewers, this is not a very good picture, as Mr Jones could not get a very good vantage point and one cannot see properly what is taking place onstage during this ritual.

Basically, it depicts a monument titled 'Moloch' (the 'owl' god), and people do mock sacrifices and the thing is set alight.  There is alot of chanting and fireworks and other pyrotechnics, and people cheer it on. 

However, This image will give you a better idea as to what is going on during this event.

And here is a picture of their mascot, the Owl of Minerva.

Why the interest in this: I love owls and reading about the meanings behind the symbolism behind the owl and why some people use it in their imagery.

I have done many illustrations in the past depicting owls.

Mind you, what I did see in the video, kind of sounded like something from a kid's storybook and I was kind of expecting something a bit scarier (this comes from having listened too much to 'Satanic' extreme metal and scary movies, so maybe I have become too 'desensitised' to this kind of stuff).

Still if people are getting up to really bad 'hanky-panky', the exclusive nature of the club would mean that not many people would know much about it, thus making it hard to prove how 'Satanic' it really is.

