Throwback Thursday: Spring cleaning

Time to de-clutter and 'spring clean'

Spring is still here so being able to spring clean, de-clutter and 'weed out' is very important.  Get rid of stuff you don't need

Below is a 'digital' drawing I made using the app, Drawing Carl.  I called it the garden.  It represents chaos and order, with the subject matter being a garden full of tangled plants and weeds badly in need of tidying up.  In addition to a very cluttered pattern and space, there is a cacophony of bright colours.   'screaming out' to the viewer to clean thing things up while all the patters and colours compete for attention from the same viewer.  This is the 'chaos' part.

The 'order' part is shown by an 'underlying' diagonal pattern, which leads the eye from the bottom left hand side to the top right, while there is also a spectrum of warm, light/bright hues to cooler, darker ones.

The reason being is that I had to get very busy tidying up my flat and getting rid of things I don't need.  This is especially true for cardboard and paper, much of which can be a fire hazard, if one cannot 'keep on top' of one's housekeeping duties.

2013 (c) Colleen Sedgwick: The Garden

As I have been busy cleaning up, I haven't had a real lot of time to 'indulge' in my art and/or writing. So, my apologies for anyone hoping to see my stuff.

