30537a - Progress challenge 02
By Colleen Sedgwick
Legal issues relevant to your practice
For this, you will need to
write a short report detailing the legal requirements you will need to take
into account while creating work in your industry. Create a short report that
answers the following questions:
1. Consider your chosen industry from progress challenge
1: What are the legal requirements you must adhere to in your ideal graphic
design role? Are there any that are specific to your industry (e.g. fashion)? List
at least five key points.
2. What does your current work practice consist of?
Describe your current work environment and outline steps in which you will work
towards creating a (legally) safer working environment and an environmentally
sustainable professional practice.
Consider the concept of intellectual property discussed
in the unit. What steps should you take to safeguard your own work? How can you
respect the IP of other artists within your own practice?
TIP: Navigate to the student
forum to engage in the discussion with your peers.
SELF-CHECK - Submission A
Now that you have completed the
progress challenge, you may submit your work for feedback and discussion.
• Write 200 words and complete
as a PDF.
• Navigate to the self-check
page to submit.
TIP: If you choose to complete
each progress challenge as you work through the module, the process of
completing your assessment tasks will take a lot less time.
Part 1
I came across a position with
the ABC, where I will most likely work on a contract basis (advertised as a
‘freelance’ job), c/o The Loop[1]. This position requires me to
understand the ABC’s own policies and procedures, including:
‘…the ABC’s aims, objectives and workplace values, together with relevant policies and guidelines including Editorial Policies[2], Child Protection Policy[3], Equity and Diversity[4], WH&S[5]’.
It also requires me to
understand the law in Papua New Guinea [6]
(part of the time spent on the job is in Port
Moresby ).
Additionally, I should have some knowledge about the Papuans and their
values and traditions. Should I get this opportunity to work in PNG, it would
mean both knowing how to protect myself as a woman living and working there while trying to accurately portray what life is like, particularly for the women and
children there[7].
Part 2
Whether I remain in Australia
Post, change jobs or start my practice, the WH&S Act applies in any case. If
freelancing, I would have to draw up some kind of agreement between the client
and myself[8].
Part 3
Copyrights – again, the exact
Copyright law or policy will vary according to where I work, who is my employer
or what kinds of work the law applies to[9].
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2017): Jobs & Portfolio, in The Loop,
https://www.theloop.com.au/ABC/overview[7/03/2017 2:06:16 AM]
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2016): About the ABC – Our Editorial
Policies, http://about.abc.net.au/how-the-abc-is-run/what-guides-us/our-editorial-policies/[7/03/2017
2:45:15 AM]
[3] Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2016):
Section 8 – Children and Young People (page 10), in Code of Practice 2011 (Revised in 2016), http://about.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ABCCodeOfPractice2016-1.pdf
[4] Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2016): ABC Equity
and Diversity Plan – 2016-2018, http://about.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/EquityDiversityPLN2016-18_V1_0.pdf
[5] Federal Register of Legislation (2011): Work
Health and Safety Act,
https://www.legislation.gov.au/Series/C2011A00137[8/03/2017 2:03:51 AM]
[6] Wikipedia (2016): Law of Papua New Guinea,
[7] Papua New Guinea Human Rights Library
(2017): Archive,
https://archive.org/details/papuanewguineahumanrightslibrary[8/03/2017 2:44:41
AM]; and Jolly, M, Stewart, C, and Brewer, C (2012): Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea ,
in ANU E-Press,
[8] Picciafuoco, V (2017): Designers: Know Your
Rights! 4 Must-Have Clauses In A Contract, in Hongkiat.com,
http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/design-contract-clauses/[6/03/2017 6:55:44 PM]
[9] Intellectual Property Australia (2017): Home Page,
https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/[6/03/2017 6:58:19 PM]
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