30536a - Learning Activity 06

30536a - Learning Activity 6


Research three different industry-standard authoring tools that could be used for this Science Nerds project. Create a document comparing the three different tools and the benefits or restrictions of each.
Make a decision about which tool you would use and why you have chosen it.
You might search for articles comparing different packages or looking closely at features.
Click on LINK 7 to view the Adobe TV forum:  When to use Dreamweaver over Muse? In https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1286639.pdf;


Another useful link is this – can I use Muse with an existing website? In https://forums.adobe.com/thread/986590.pdf

The Adobe authoring tools for website building include:
1.      Dreamweaver: a web developer tool that is useful if you know how to code (https://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/how-to/what-is-dreamweaver.html); the FAQ’s for Dreamweaver are here (https://helpx.adobe.com/au/dreamweaver/faq.html).   This is perhaps one of the more comprehensive web developer tools you can use, but it helps if you can code.  I am relatively new to coding so this may be my chance to learn more about it.  One of the features of this software is through ‘code hinting’
2.      Muse: this is the web developer tool to use if you do not know how to write code (https://helpx.adobe.com/muse/tutorials.html).   For me, this would be easier to follow (especially if I was too lazy to learn code).
3.      Fireworks: image editing software for websites and apps (https://www.adobe.com/au/products/fireworks.html?promoid=SBNHMR4L&mv=other)
4.      Flash Player: for game development and motion graphics (http://www.adobe.com/au/products/flashplayer.html);
5.      Animate: for designing interactive animations (http://www.adobe.com/au/products/animate.html);

For other web authoring tools, there is:
1.      Microsoft FrontPage: Probably used in conjunction with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge (http://www.microsoft.com/office/enterprise/prodinfo/pi-suiteproducts.htm#Microsoft)
2.      Net Objects Fusion:

Web developer for Google Chrome:

The link to this is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-developer/bfbameneiokkgbdmiekhjnmfkcnldhhm.  The author of this software is Chris Pederick and the link to his site is https://chrispederick.com/about/.  If I did not want to spend any money, I would probably use this application.  In addition to Google Chrome, Web Developer is also available on Firefox and Opera (the other two web browsers it is on).
