By Colleen Sedgwick
eNewsletter design
• Design an eNewsletter utilising the information that you
have produced in the previous two parts.
• The article that you have written in part A will be the
content of the newsletter.
• The title of it will be ‘TYPE’, and the letters will be
created out of the selection of letters that you have photographed in part B.
• Start by sketching out ideas, and once you have experimented
move to using your choice of technology.
• We recommend InDesign to layout your work and manipulate
typography in this exercise.
• You will be assessed on how well you can integrate the
title ‘TYPE’ with the rest of the copy as well as the overall design.
For that reason, you are required to add other elements
such as shape, colour and photos where necessary.
• Dimensions: 600 pixels wide, 600 pixels height (minimum)
• Colour: RGB
• Resolution: 72-144dpi
• Format: JPEG
NOTE: You will be able to integrate feedback from
discussions and self-check submission, for integration into Assessment 3 Part
While the original colour of my type is a powder pink, I
decided to convert it all to black and white so it could be more easily
incorporated into a newspaper look.
Here are is a photomontage of the letterforms I have
created from the tile layout.
Properly refined, it would probably look like this:
However, I decided to keep the photographic image and, in
keeping with the ‘newspaper’ look, I used a newsprint filter so it would look
like this:
And with a little colour, it might look like this:
For the overall design, I have sketched out three styles:
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