Visual Representation - Part 2

30546a – Progress Challenge 02

by Colleen Sedgwick E0498336

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

By: Betty Edwards

Five basic skills of drawing

The global skill of drawing a perceived object, person, landscape (something that you see ‘out there’) requires only five (5) basic component skills, no more. These skills are not drawing skills. They are perceptual skills, listed as follows:
• One: the perception of edges
• Two: the perception of spaces
• Three: the perception of relationships
• Four: the perception of lights and shadows
• Five: the perception of the whole, or gestalt
The first four (4) skills require teaching. The fifth occurs as an outcome or insight.
Edwards: ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’, Tarcher/Penguin

Progress challenge 2: The Perceptual Shift

Read Chapters 3 & 4 of Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and perform the exercises prescribed in Chapter 3: Your Brain: The Right and Left of it, on pages 46–49 and pages 53–61. Then perform the exercises prescribed in Chapter 4: Crossing Over from Left to Right, on pages 85-93.
Click to view the readings:
• Pages 46–49
• Pages 53–61
• Pages 85-93
Complete the above challenge and then click LINK 13 to upload

