Feedback for Module 2, Assessment 1

Student Name: Colleen Sedgwick
Trainer Name: Ivan Prsa
Student Number: E0498336
Date: 15/12/2015
Unit/s of Competency: CUV50311 and CUVACD512A
Submission Check List C NYC
Overall Assessment - A4 Portfolio document containing all 14 progress challenges
- PC 1 - Exploring Photomedia
- PC 2 - Photomedia immersion
- PC 3 - Creating your production blog
- PC 4 - Design elements
- PC 5 - Image editing
- PC 6 - Image compositing
- PC 7 - Refine your ideas through experimentation with your production blog
- PC 8 - Specifrying a project plan
- PC 9 - Safety plan
- PC 10 - Milestone stages
- PC 11 - Finalise and present your photomedia project
- PC 12 - Share your photomedia project
- PC 13 - Reflections on your development process
- PC 14 - Reflections on your final photomedia project
Grade:  CR
Overall Feedback:
Assessment Feedback / Assessment #30529/02
Overall Assessment Not Yet Competent Competent Good Outstanding 
# 30529/02
Resubmission: Y N

PC 1: Good definitions to demonstrate competency in Exploring Photomedia. Include visual examples. 
PC 2: Good examples and analysis of practicing artists to demonstrate competency in Photomedia immersion. 
PC 3: Good examples and overview to demonstrate competency in Creating your production blog. 
PC 4: Good examples and comments to demonstrate competency in Design elements.  Should also number the images to link to the list. 
PC 5: Good examples and software technique descriptions to demonstrate competency in Image editing. Good use of industry terms however replace words like ‘straightening’ in the first example with rotated. 
PC 6: Good examples and software technique descriptions to demonstrate competency in Image compositing. Add more details to the software technique descriptions. For example. Which marquee? Were the pixels deleted or masked? Good filter example but what values were applied to achieve the results.
PC 7: Good examples and descriptions to demonstrate competency in Refine your ideas through
experimentation with your production blog. 
PC 8: Satisfactory partial list of instructions to demonstrate competency in Specifying a project plan. This should be a clear criteria to work from. “Depending on what they want” should be replaced with exactly what is wanted. 
PC 9: Good work practice examples to demonstrate competency in Safety plan. 
PC 10: Satisfactory plans to demonstrate competency in Milestone stages. Improve with, 2. Sketches and mockups - X amount of time to sketch thumbnails to arrange the component elements in order to best communicate the message. 
PC 11: Satisfactory work to demonstrate competency in Finalise and present your photomedia project. The objective in your project plan was for a poster that promoted shark conservation. First up a T-shirt isn't a poster and featuring a shark, wide mouthed with sharp teeth splashing around in blood doesn't say, “let's save the sharks”.
PC 12: Good examples to demonstrate competency in Share your photomedia project. 
PC 13: Good reflections based off your development process however I want you to contact suppliers for exact specifications they require to produce the product you are designing. For example, screen printers would not accept your tshirt design in this format. If the task is print on paper contact an offset.  Send proofs to me for feedback when required. 
PC 14: Satisfactory reflections based off your final photomedia project. Include justifications for how the project plan has been met and plans to improve weaknesses identified.  No need to include the assessment question in full. For example, 7 Refining Ideas is enough. By omitting the rest will give yourself more space to enlarge your work examples.
