Visual Representation - Feedback and Reflections

I had submitted Checkpoints A and B for feedback from my trainer (who is Ivan Persa). I was warded a Pass for these assessments. Here is what he had to say.

For checkpoint A:

Ivan PrsaWednesday, 11 November 2015, 10:35 AM

Hello Colleen,
Good work with the check points. The 50% grade is not a reflection of your work but for processing reasons only. Keep developing your design skills and contact me for assistance anytime.
Regards, Ivan.

My Reply:Thursday, 12 November 2015, 06:47 PM

Hi Ivan,
Thanks for the feedback on both checkpoints.
You say that for Checkpoint A, I got only a pass and that it was 'for processing reasons only' and 'not a reflection' of my own work.  Can you please explain this in more detail (for processing reasons)? I am not sure what you mean by this, But thanks anyway.

For checkpoint B:

Ivan PrsaWednesday, 11 November 2015, 11:11 AM

Hello Colleen,
Good work with the check points. The 50% grade is not a reflection of your work but for processing reasons only however you should take the opportunity to demonstrate your layout and typography on all assessments documents as well as the design tasks. Keep developing your design skills and contact me for assistance anytime. Adhere to margins, columns and grids set up in your InDesign document. Refer to thee attached pdfs and go to the forum topic “All About Design - Interesting Links, Events, Blogs, and information!” for more of my posts. There are many links within the Open COlleges study material that you will find useful.
Also go to:
(Donald Young — Logotypographer)
Regards, Ivan.

My ReplyThursday, 12 November 2015 06:53 PM

Hi Ivan,
I am glad there is more specific feedback for one of the progress challenges for Checkpoint B (Progress Challenge 8? At the movies?). Are there any other things I could improve, or is that the only one?  I will check out the links you sent me very shortly.

There was also more specific feedback on one of the progress challenges (#8 – At the Movies), and my layout techniques in general. These were delivered to me via PDF files which I could download.
Very good illustration work. Apply the same to the typography. You don’t have to restrict yourself to what is in your font list. Make use of your abilities with hand lettering. See how I quickly created a sun and the header to the right.

I also recieved this feedback from a classmate, Lakeia, on the Open Space forum, regarding Progress Challenge 06(1).

Re: Progress Challenge 6 - Animations
by Lakeia Mundine - Monday, 23 November 2015, 04:08 PM

Hi Colleen,
Fantastically done! Very interesting film, as it kept me in suspense of who was going to win.
Great work
- Lakeia

My reply:
Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 11:35 AM

Thanks Lakeia,
I am pleased to see someone likes one of my works for this Module.

Slideshare and LinkedIn:

For Checkpoint A, I got 15 views (via my Slideshare profile) and one share1;
For Checkpoint B, I got 69 views (also all via Slideshare)2.
This is surprising considering I uploaded it on the 16th of November, 2015 - four days prior (the date of writing this entry is the 20th of November)
1 Sedgwick, C (2015): Colleen Sedgwick on slideshare;
2 Ibid,


For Progress Challenge 11, I actually got a ‘Like’ on my Facebook page (for Sedgie Art) - this person was a co-worker from Australia Post1.
1 Sedgwick, C (2015): Sedgie Art on Facebook,

Google Plus

I also got 1+ on Google Plus for Visual Representation - Part 8 (At the Movies)1.


I learned of this grade on the 12th of November, 2015.
I was unsure of what Mr Prsa meant by 'For processing reasons' (even though it was not a reflection of my work'). I have a feeling I might have labelled my documents incorrectly (Labelling them Assessment 01 and Assessemtn 02 instead of labelling them Checkpoint A or Checkpoint B). However, I still needed to clarify this before making any changes.

For Checkpoint B, received more specific feedback for one of my Progress Challenges, which is what I appreciate. Even better was how he showed me another way the words could hav fitted words into the sun or circle and stood out a lot better. Also I need to 'strive' for consistency in my 'branding' for these communication pieces (in one of these, I used squares instead of circles).

From the student forum, I have so far recieved only one positive comment from one of my classmates on Progress Challenge 06 (the Animation Task) - this classmate said she loved how she was kept in suspense throughout the storyline (supposedly a good thing if you want the viewers to be interested).

Slide Share

While I have had plenty of views on this site for these activities, I only got one ‘share’ and no ‘likes’. While the lack of ‘likes’ on Slideshare for my slideshows may be of concern, the statistics showing so many views within four days indicates that people have at least been showing an interest in my work.


So far, one person has clicked on the ‘Like’ button for Progress Challenge 11 (For the Kids) - so at least someone liked my Photoshopped picture of my toy cats - I would expect that this person (who is a father himself) must see what appeal it holds for young children.

Google Plus

Only one person has also clicked on '+' for this site - this person has studied history and 'The Classics' at the UNE (University of New England at Armidale, NSW), is an ex-work colleague, and an artist themselves.  For them, it is easy to understand what it is like to be a 'struggling artist', where gainful, long term employment can be hard to come by.  Their studies in history and The Classics (and understanding of different cultures) also makes it easy to appreciate the results of this task, as well as to show an interest in the story behind this film.
