Photomedia - Part 10

Milestone stages are what I am up to exactly.
The Milestone Stages (of designing and compositing) include:
  1. Concept art and moodboards - done;
  2. Sketches and mockups - no sketches or thumbnails just yet, I more or less just put a few elements together
  3. Aquisition stage - done (when I went down to Melbourne)
  4. Layout and draft stages - done
  5. Refinement stages - done (did a few alterations to my pics)
  6. Prefinal stages - in the process right now (awaiting feedback from classmates, colleagues and others)
  7. Final stages (submitting work) - not yet
I have posted up what I have done so far on the Open Colleges forum, as well as Facebook, this site and Google+ as well as the Progress Challenges from 1 to 7 (Checkpoint C) on LinkedIn and Slideshare.  And while I am on the subject of LinkedIn/Slideshare, I have so far received over 70 views for my most recent slideshows (for Checkpoints A and B) and uploaded some more to that site. But more of that later.

Maybe that could be a sketch (for those of you who can't see it really well, it is a shark caught in a net - either one of those drifnets the fishermen use, or the shark nets to keep them way from unsuspecting bathers)
Aquistion - own photo: Hammerhead shark @ Melbourne Aquarium
Aquisition (professional photo): Me in the 'Sharks Alive' section (this was taken by a professional photographer and my image was pasted onto the background)
