Introduction - About me

Dear Readers,
I actually made this entry on my profile when I first started studying with Open Colleges Australia in 2010, when I first enrolled in a Cartooning and Illustrating course with them.  On the profile was a blog where I could make entries about my studies.

I am so looking forward to doing this course.  I love drawing funny and 'cool' pictures of myself, other people and animals, and feel the 'Freelance Cartooning and Illustration' course with Cengage is a great place to start.
A little about myself:  I have been told I was always good at Art when I was at school.  It was a subject I did for fun, and didn't take as seriously.  I don't know why, perhaps it wasn't so hard as the other subjects I had to do at school, like maths for instance.  However, I did continue to do art at school, right through to year 12 in High school, but didn't proceed much further than that.
I did my HSC in 1986 at St Ursula's College (Kingsgrove) and they had a very good art dept there.  After that, I did several courses through TAFE, mostly Business Admininstration, and I did a Certificate II in Business with OTEN in 2004.  However, I did do other stuff for fun - like Desktop Publishing with Crows Nest TAFE, Radio Announcing with 2rrr (88.5 fm) and a Certificate I in German (also through OTEN in 2004).
I always wanted to be a psychologist, and had to concentrate on other subjects.  However, my attempts to become a psychologist were shunned.  The furthest I got with Psychology were at 3rd year level, with the University of New England's Bachelor of Arts degree.  However, I did achieve an Honours degree in Sociology, and all is not lost.  Maybe, someday, I will achieve that dream, but in the meantime, I might as well kick back and relax and do stuff I'm naturally 'good at' - like something artistic, for instance.
In 2007, I graduated with an Honours Degree in Sociology at the UNE, and I turned 40 in the same year.  As a present, I was given a digital camera, and had quite a bit of fun with it.  This has inspired me to do something 'artistic' and put my talent to good use.
So, anyway, to everyone reading this entry, I am very happy to get to know you, and I look forward to sharing tips with you regarding this course and cartooning in general.
